We’ve all experienced an annoying co-worker here and there, and at times, way more often than we’d like. Between Susie the Shittalker and Do-Nothing Dale, the “literally can’t” vibes are no doubt at an an all-time high.
But before you keep reading, check out our video below for the 5 bad work habits you have to ditch!
1. Your middle name is Jane… because it rhymes with COMPLAIN
Complainers are lurking all around work. They creep around, every time of the day, just waiting for you to ask how their day’s going. They might be hanging out at the water fountain, eagerly awaiting your arrival. Or, they’re pacing back and forth in front of your desk, frantically sighing with anticipation for you to ask “how’s it going?” so they can divulge their pent up frustration.
Venting, is one thing. We’ve all been there and sometimes you just have to release. But being a straight up complainer, is never cool.
2. You’re a grade-A interrupter
There’s nothing worse than being cut-off when you’re in the middle of sharing an idea. Cheers to letting people finish their sentences before we interrupt and change the subject!
Let’s not bring back the “talking stick”. Some things are better left in 1997.
3. You NEVER respond to emails
Don’t blame Russia. And don’t say it’s because you don’t have time. Don’t get me wrong – some emails are just a waste of time and don’t merit attention, but for ones that you know you have to get back to, just do it! Sometimes answering an email takes less than 5 minutes, why procrastinate on it for weeks until it’s lost in the black hole of your inbox?
Just answer the email.
4. Nagging is one of your fav pastimes
Contrary to the above, you like to nag and follow-up, within 5 minutes of sending your email. Balance is key, people. Don’t ignore your emails but please don’t be that person that everyone tries avoiding at the office. If you’ve asked someone for something, trust that they’ll get to it. Perhaps, (just maybe a possibility) they might have other things that they need to get done (believe it or not), that are much higher priority than your request that needs to be completed by the end of the week. If you sent them the email, have a little faith. No need to instant message, call them, and text them too. That’s how you get blocked. Just sayin’.
General rule of thumb: wait at least 48 hours if it’s not urgent.
5. Pawning off your work is special talent of yours
No, not delegating. Legitimately trying to get rid of work that you should be doing. Trying to discreetly pawn off the work that you don’t want to do, onto someone else, ain’t cool.
Figure out what work needs to be underway, and if you know it’s your accountability, get ‘er done.
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