“CyberSec 100: Mastering Cybersecurity in 100 Days”

"CyberSec 100: Mastering Cybersecurity in 100 Days"

“CyberSec 100: Mastering Cybersecurity in 100 Days”

Introduction to Cybersecurity (Days 1-10)

Day 1-2: Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Introduction to Cybersecurity:

  • Definition and importance of cybersecurity
  • Overview of the evolving cyber threat landscape

Cybersecurity Principles:

  • CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)
  • Defense-in-Depth strategy
  • Least Privilege and Need-to-Know principles

Common Cyber Threats:

  • Malware:
      • Definition and types (viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware)
      • How malware infects and spreads
  • Social Engineering:
      • Types of social engineering attacks (phishing, pretexting, tailgating, etc.)
      • Manipulation of human psychology
  • Hacking and Exploits:
      • Types of hackers (black hat, white hat, gray hat)
      • Exploiting vulnerabilities (zero-day exploits, backdoors)
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks:
      • DoS vs. DDoS attacks
      • Overloading systems to disrupt services
  • Insider Threats:
    • Types of insider threats (malicious, unintentional)
    • Protecting against insider attacks

Security Measures and Technologies:

  • Firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS)
  • Antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Encryption and digital signatures
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Security Policies and Procedures:

  • Importance of security policies and standards
  • Creating and enforcing security policies
  • Incident response and disaster recovery plans

Network Security:

  • Network segmentation and isolation
  • VLANs (Virtual LANs) and subnetting
  • Securing wireless networks

Endpoint Security:

  • Securing devices (computers, smartphones, IoT devices)
  • Patch management and software updates

Secure Data Handling:

  • Data classification and sensitivity
  • Data encryption and secure transmission

Risk Management:

  • Risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies
  • Identifying and prioritizing assets and vulnerabilities

Cyber Hygiene:

  • Safe browsing practices
  • Regular software updates
  • Avoiding suspicious links and downloads

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Ethical hacking and responsible disclosure
  • Compliance with laws and regulations (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)

Security Awareness and Training:

  • Importance of cybersecurity education for all users
  • Simulated phishing exercises and user training

Emerging Technologies and Trends:

  • Internet of Things (IoT) security challenges
  • Cloud security considerations

Global Cybersecurity Organizations:

  • Introduction to organizations like CERT, ISACA, (ISC)², etc.
  • Resources and certifications for cybersecurity professionals


Day 3-4: Security Principles and Concepts

Introduction to Security Principles:

  • Definition and importance of security principles
  • Overview of how security principles guide decision-making


  • Definition of confidentiality
  • Data classification and access controls
  • Encryption techniques (symmetric, asymmetric)


  • Definition of integrity
  • Data tampering risks and prevention
  • Use of checksums and hashing


  • Definition of availability
  • Importance of redundancy and fault tolerance
  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and mitigation


  • Definition of authentication
  • Password-based authentication and its vulnerabilities
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and biometrics


  • Definition of authorization
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Principle of least privilege


  • Definition of non-repudiation
  • Digital signatures and their role
  • Ensuring accountability and traceability


  • Layered security approach
  • Use of multiple security measures (firewalls, IDS/IPS, etc.)
  • Reduces risk of single points of failure

Least Privilege:

  • Principle of least privilege (PoLP)
  • Limiting access rights to necessary minimum
  • Reduces potential impact of security breaches


  • Principle of need-to-know
  • Access restricted to only required information
  • Prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data

Risk Management:

  • Definition of risk management
  • Risk assessment (identifying assets, threats, vulnerabilities)
  • Risk mitigation strategies (accept, avoid, transfer, mitigate)

Security Policies and Procedures:

  • Importance of security policies
  • Creating, implementing, and enforcing security policies
  • Incident response and disaster recovery plans

Physical Security:

  • Importance of physical security
  • Access control to physical premises
  • Video surveillance and security personnel

Security Awareness:Educating users about security best practices

  • Recognizing social engineering tactics
  • Importance of continuous training

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Ethical responsibilities in security decisions
  • Compliance with laws and regulations (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Respect for user privacy

Emerging Technologies and Trends:

  • Security challenges with IoT and connected devices
  • Cloud security considerations
  • AI and machine learning in security

Social Engineering:

  • Types of social engineering attacks (phishing, pretexting, baiting)
  • Human psychology manipulation
  • Mitigation through education and awareness

Incident Response and Recovery:

  • Developing an incident response plan
  • Steps to take during and after a security breach
  • Data backup and restoration strategies

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery:

  • Ensuring continuous business operations
  • Off-site data storage and redundancy
  • Planning for worst-case scenarios

Supply Chain Security:

  • Assessing security risks from third-party vendors
  • Verifying software and hardware authenticity
  • Preventing supply chain attacks

Privacy and Data Protection:

  • Importance of user privacy
  • Handling and protecting personal data
  • Complying with data protection regulations


Day 5-6: Networking Basics for Security

Introduction to Networking Basics:

  • Definition of networking and its importance in security
  • Overview of network components and their interactions

Network Architecture:

  • Types of network architectures (LAN, WAN, MAN)
  • Introduction to client-server and peer-to-peer models

Network Devices:

  • Routers, switches, hubs, and access points
  • Their roles in network communication and security

IP Addresses and Subnets:

  • IPv4 vs. IPv6 addressing
  • Understanding IP addresses, subnet masks, and CIDR notation

Network Protocols:

  • Definition of network protocols
  • Common protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH

DNS (Domain Name System):

  • Role of DNS in translating domain names to IP addresses
  • DNS security and potential attacks (DNS spoofing)


  • Purpose and types of firewalls (packet-filtering, stateful inspection, application-layer)
  • Implementing firewalls for network security

Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS):

  • Introduction to IDS and IPS
  • How they monitor and respond to network threats

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):

  • Definition and purpose of VPNs
  • Ensuring secure communication over public networks

Network Segmentation:

  • Importance of network segmentation for security
  • Isolating critical assets and limiting attack surface

Wi-Fi Security:

  • Different Wi-Fi security protocols (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3)
  • Best practices for securing wireless networks

Network Monitoring and Logging:

  • Benefits of network monitoring and logging
  • Detecting suspicious activities and incidents

Network Topologies:

  • Common network topologies (star, bus, ring, mesh)
  • Understanding how topology affects network performance and security

Network Access Control:

  • NAC concepts and benefits
  • Enforcing access policies for authorized devices

TCP/IP Layers:

  • Introduction to TCP/IP model and its layers
  • How each layer contributes to network communication

Network Security Best Practices:

  • Regular software and firmware updates
  • Implementing strong passwords and authentication
  • Segregating network zones based on security requirements

Denial-of-Service (DoS) Protection:

  • Explaining DoS attacks and their impact
  • Mitigation strategies to handle DoS attacks

Network Address Translation (NAT):

  • Definition and role of NAT
  • How NAT enhances network security and privacy

Network Vulnerabilities:

  • Common network vulnerabilities (open ports, unpatched systems)
  • Techniques for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities

Emerging Network Technologies:

  • IoT networks and their security challenges
  • Considerations for 5G network security

Cryptography in Networking:

  • Introduction to cryptographic techniques (encryption, hashing)
  • How cryptography enhances network security

IP Addresses and Subnets

Introduction to IP Addresses and Subnets:

  • Definition and purpose of IP addresses
  • The role of subnets in network organization and management

IPv4 Address Structure:

  • Explanation of the four-octet IPv4 address format
  • Representation of IP addresses in decimal and binary

IP Address Classes:

  • Overview of IP address classes (A, B, C, D, E)
  • Significance of each class and their default subnet masks

Public and Private IP Addresses:

  • Distinction between public and private IP addresses
  • Use cases for public IPs on the internet and private IPs within local networks

Subnet Mask and CIDR Notation:

  • Definition and purpose of subnet masks
  • Introduction to CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation

Subnetting Process:

  • Reasons for subnetting (address allocation, network organization)
  • Steps to subnet an IP address range effectively

Subnetting Calculation:

  • Determining the subnet size based on the number of required hosts
  • Calculation of usable addresses, network addresses, and broadcast addresses

Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM):

  • Exploring VLSM for custom subnet sizes within a network
  • Optimizing IP address allocation with VLSM

Subnet Design Best Practices:

  • Factors to consider when designing subnets (number of hosts, future scalability)
  • Subnetting to minimize IP address wastage

Network Address Translation (NAT):

  • NAT’s role in converting private IP addresses to public ones
  • Advantages of NAT in conserving IPv4 addresses

IPv6 Addressing:

  • Introduction to IPv6 addressing
  • Comparison of IPv6 structure with IPv4

Transition Mechanisms:

  • Techniques to transition from IPv4 to IPv6
  • Dual-stack, tunneling, and translation mechanisms

IP Address Management Tools:

  • Overview of IP address management (IPAM) tools
  • How IPAM tools assist in tracking and managing IP addresses

IP Spoofing and Security Concerns:

  • Explaining IP spoofing and its risks
  • Implementing security measures to prevent IP spoofing

Practical Application:

  • Demonstrations and exercises involving subnetting calculations
  • Setting up and configuring subnet-based networks

Real-world Scenarios:

  • Examples of subnetting in enterprise networks
  • Practical applications in data centers and cloud environments


Day 7-8: Encryption and Cryptography

Introduction to Encryption and Cryptography:

  • Definition and importance of encryption in data security
  • Overview of cryptography as the study of secure communication techniques

Basic Cryptographic Concepts:

  • Explanation of plaintext, ciphertext, and encryption algorithms
  • Understanding the roles of keys and key management

Types of Encryption:

  • Symmetric Encryption:
      • Definition and use of a single shared key for both encryption and decryption
      • Examples of symmetric encryption algorithms (AES, DES)
  • Asymmetric Encryption:
    • Concept of using pairs of public and private keys
    • Role of public keys for encryption and private keys for decryption
    • Examples of asymmetric encryption algorithms (RSA, ECC)

Encryption Modes:

  • ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode: Description and limitations
  • CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode: Introduction and advantages
  • Other modes like CFB, OFB, and GCM

Digital Signatures:

  • Purpose of digital signatures in verifying authenticity and integrity
  • How digital signatures are created using private keys and verified using public keys

Hash Functions:

  • Definition and purpose of hash functions
  • Hashing for data integrity and password storage
  • Common hash algorithms (SHA-256, MD5)

Key Management:

  • Importance of secure key management
  • Key generation, distribution, storage, and rotation

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):

  • Introduction to PKI as a framework for managing digital certificates
  • Certificate authorities (CAs) and certificate revocation lists (CRLs)

Cryptographic Attacks:

  • Types of attacks (brute force, known-plaintext, chosen-plaintext, etc.)
  • Explanation of attack strategies and potential vulnerabilities

Secure Communication:

  • How encryption ensures secure communication over untrusted networks
  • Use of SSL/TLS for securing web communication

End-to-End Encryption:

  • Concept of end-to-end encryption for securing communication between endpoints
  • Examples of end-to-end encryption messaging apps

Applications of Cryptography:

  • Data confidentiality and privacy protection
  • Digital signatures for authenticating messages
  • Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology

Quantum Cryptography:

  • Introduction to quantum cryptography
  • How quantum properties enhance security

Practical Implementation:

  • Hands-on exercises on encrypting and decrypting messages
  • Demonstrations of using encryption tools and libraries

Real-world Scenarios:

  • Case studies of cryptography in online banking, e-commerce, and government security
  • Role of cryptography in securing sensitive data in healthcare and IoT

Day 9-10: Introduction to Cyber Laws and Ethics

Introduction to Cyber Laws and Ethics:

  • Definition and importance of cyber laws and ethics in the digital age
  • Role of laws and ethical guidelines in regulating online behavior

Cyber Laws and Regulations:

  • Overview of laws related to cyber activities and online behavior
  • Examples of international and national cyber laws (GDPR, CFAA, DMCA)

Legal Jurisdiction in Cyberspace:

  • Challenges of determining legal jurisdiction in the digital realm
  • How laws apply across international borders

Cybercrime Categories:

  • Explanation of various cybercrime categories (hacking, identity theft, cyberbullying, etc.)
  • Legal consequences and penalties for different types of cybercrimes

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR):

  • Overview of IPR and its significance in the digital world
  • Protection of copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets online

Privacy Laws and Data Protection:

  • Importance of privacy in the digital age
  • Introduction to data protection laws (GDPR, CCPA)

E-Commerce and Consumer Protection:

  • Legal aspects of online transactions and electronic contracts
  • Consumer rights and protection in online commerce

Cybersecurity Regulations:

  • Laws and regulations related to cybersecurity practices
  • Reporting and handling data breaches according to legal requirements

Freedom of Speech and Online Expression:

  • Balancing freedom of speech with responsible online behavior
  • The impact of online hate speech and incitement to violence

Cyber Ethics and Digital Citizenship:

  • Definition of cyber ethics and responsible online behavior
  • Promoting digital literacy and ethical conduct

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment:

  • Understanding cyberbullying and its consequences
  • Legal measures to combat online harassment

Ethical Hacking and White Hat Activities:

  • Explaining ethical hacking and penetration testing
  • Legal and ethical considerations in ethical hacking

Anonymous Communication and Whistleblowing:

  • Discussing the ethical dilemmas of anonymity online
  • Protection of whistleblowers’ rights and legal implications

Role of Law Enforcement:

  • Collaboration between law enforcement and technology companies
  • Challenges of tracking cybercriminals across jurisdictions

Global Perspectives on Cyber Laws:

  • Comparing cyber laws and regulations in different countries
  • The need for international cooperation in combating cybercrime

Emerging Legal and Ethical Challenges:

  • Addressing new challenges posed by emerging technologies (IoT, AI)
  • Balancing innovation and ethical considerations

Professional Codes of Ethics:

  • Introduction to professional codes of ethics for IT and cybersecurity professionals
  • Adhering to ethical standards in the industry

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing high-profile cyber law cases and their outcomes
  • Ethical dilemmas faced by individuals and organizations

Cyber Laws and Future Trends:

  • Anticipating changes in cyber laws due to technological advancements
  • The evolving landscape of digital regulations

Module 2: Fundamentals of Cyber Attacks (Days 11-25)

Day 11-14: Introduction to Malware and Social Engineering:

  • Definition and significance of malware and social engineering
  • Role of these techniques in cyberattacks and data breaches

Common Types of Malware:

  • Viruses:
      • Definition and characteristics of viruses
      • How viruses attach to executable files and spread
  • Worms:
      • Explanation of worms as self-replicating malware
      • Modes of transmission (networks, email)
  • Trojans:
      • Definition of trojans as disguised malicious software
      • Different forms and purposes of trojans (backdoors, spyware)
  • Ransomware:
      • Description of ransomware attacks
      • Encryption of victim’s data and ransom demands
  • Spyware and Adware:
      • Purpose of spyware in collecting user information
      • Distinction between legitimate adware and malicious adware
  • Botnets:
    • Explanation of botnets as networks of compromised devices
    • Use of botnets for coordinated attacks (DDoS)

Propagation and Delivery of Malware:

  • Methods of malware delivery (email attachments, malicious websites)
  • How malware exploits software vulnerabilities

Detection and Prevention:

  • Role of antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Importance of regular updates and patches

Social Engineering Techniques:

  • Phishing:
      • Definition of phishing and its variations (spear phishing, whaling)
      • Email and website impersonation to deceive users
  • Pretexting:
      • Explanation of pretexting as creating a fabricated scenario
      • Manipulating individuals to reveal information
  • Baiting:
      • Description of baiting attacks involving enticing offers
      • Luring users into downloading malware
  • Quid Pro Quo:
      • Definition of quid pro quo attacks
      • Offering something in exchange for sensitive information
  • Tailgating and Piggybacking:
    • Explanation of tailgating (physical) and piggybacking (logical) attacks
    • Gaining unauthorized access through manipulation

Social Engineering Prevention:

  • Importance of user education and awareness
  • Recognizing and reporting suspicious activities

Combining Malware and Social Engineering:

  • How attackers use malware to facilitate social engineering attacks
  • Real-world examples of combined attacks

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing high-profile malware and social engineering incidents
  • Learning from historical breaches and attacks

Ethical Implications:

  • Discussing the ethical dilemmas surrounding malware and social engineering
  • Impact on individuals, organizations, and society

Emerging Threats and Trends:

  • Exploring new forms of malware (fileless malware, cryptojacking)
  • Adapting social engineering tactics to current trends

Mitigation and Response:

  • Developing incident response plans for malware and social engineering attacks
  • Steps to take during and after an attack


Day 15-18: Network Attacks

  • Malware Attacks:
      • Viruses, worms, trojans
      • Ransomware
      • Botnets
  • DoS and DDoS Attacks:
      • DoS attacks
      • DDoS attacks
  • Phishing and Social Engineering:
      • Phishing
      • Spear phishing
      • Social engineering
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks:
      • MitM concept
      • Session hijacking
  • Packet Sniffing:
      • Packet sniffers
      • Importance of encryption
    • Brute Force and Password Attacks:
      • Brute force attacks
      • Dictionary attacks
  • SQL Injection:
    • SQL injection concept
    • Prevention techniques

Preventive Measures and Best Practices:

  • Strong authentication
  • Patch management
  • Network segmentation
  • IDS/IPS systems
  • Security awareness training
  • Regular backups

Real-world Examples:

  • Historical incidents of network attacks

Day 19-21: Web Security

Introduction to Web Security:

  • Definition and importance of web security
  • Overview of potential threats and vulnerabilities

Common Web Security Threats:

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
      • XSS concept and types (stored, reflected, DOM-based)
      • Impact on user data and privacy
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
      • CSRF concept and attack process
      • Preventive measures like using anti-CSRF tokens
  • SQL Injection:
      • SQL injection concept (injection attacks)
      • How attackers exploit vulnerabilities in input validation
  • Security Misconfigurations:
      • Importance of proper server and application configuration
      • Default credentials, unnecessary services, and access control
  • Sensitive Data Exposure:
      • Handling sensitive data (credit card info, passwords)
      • Encryption, secure data storage, and compliance with regulations
  • Broken Authentication:
      • Common authentication vulnerabilities
      • Best practices for secure authentication and session management
  • Insecure Deserialization:
    • Deserialization vulnerabilities and risks
    • Secure deserialization practices

Web Application Firewall (WAF):

  • Introduction to WAF
  • How WAFs help mitigate web security threats

Secure Coding Practices:

  • Input validation and output encoding
  • Avoiding direct object references
  • Principle of least privilege
  • Using security libraries and frameworks


  • Importance of HTTPS for data encryption
  • Explanation of Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • SSL/TLS certificates and their role in authentication

Content Security Policy (CSP):

  • Definition and purpose of CSP
  • How CSP mitigates XSS attacks

Security Testing and Auditing:

  • Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning
  • Code reviews and security audits
  • Importance of continuous monitoring

Security Headers:

  • Explanation of security headers (X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, etc.)
  • How security headers enhance web security

User Education:

  • Importance of educating users about safe browsing habits
  • Recognizing phishing attempts and suspicious URLs

Incident Response and Recovery:

  • Developing an incident response plan
  • Steps to take during and after a security breach

Emerging Threats and Trends:

  • Internet of Things (IoT) security challenges
  • Mobile app security considerations

Legal and Ethical Aspects:

  • Compliance with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  • Ethical responsibilities in handling user data

Day 22-25:Introduction to Identity and Access Management (IAM):

  • Definition and significance of IAM in cybersecurity
  • Overview of how IAM ensures appropriate access to resources

Components of IAM:

  • Identification: Defining users and entities within the system
  • Authentication: Verifying the identity of users (passwords, biometrics)
  • Authorization: Determining access rights and permissions
  • Accountability: Tracking user actions and maintaining audit trails

Single Sign-On (SSO):

  • Definition of SSO and its benefits
  • How SSO streamlines user authentication across multiple systems

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

  • Explanation of MFA and its role in enhancing security
  • Combining multiple factors (password, biometrics, tokens)

Access Control Models:

  • Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
  • Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

IAM Framework:

  • Lifecycle of identity management (creation, modification, deletion)
  • Role of provisioning and de-provisioning users

User Provisioning and De-Provisioning:

  • Onboarding and offboarding processes for users
  • Ensuring access is granted and revoked appropriately

Access Requests and Approval Workflow:

  • Workflow for requesting and approving access
  • Ensuring proper authorization before granting access

Privileged Access Management (PAM):

  • Defining privileged users and their elevated access
  • Implementing controls to manage privileged access

Access Reviews and Recertification:

  • Regularly reviewing user access rights
  • Ensuring compliance and minimizing unauthorized access

Federated Identity Management:

  • Definition of federated identity management
  • Enabling single sign-on across multiple organizations

IAM Challenges and Solutions:

  • Balancing security and usability
  • Addressing issues of identity theft and account hijacking

Identity Governance:

  • Defining identity governance and its importance
  • Ensuring consistent and compliant identity management

Biometrics in IAM:

  • Role of biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition)
  • Enhancing security with biometric factors

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing IAM implementations in various industries
  • Learning from successful and challenging IAM scenarios

Emerging IAM Trends:

  • Cloud-based IAM solutions
  • Identity as a Service (IDaaS)
  • Zero Trust architecture in IAM

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Privacy implications of identity and access management
  • Complying with data protection laws (GDPR, CCPA)

Implementing IAM:

  • Steps to plan and implement an IAM solution
  • Integrating IAM into existing systems and processes

IAM and Remote Work:

  • Challenges and solutions in managing remote user identities
  • Ensuring secure access for remote employees

Benefits of IAM:

  • Improved security and compliance
  • Streamlined user management and reduced administrative burden


Module 3: Defensive Measures (Days 26-45)

Day 26-30: Introduction to Security Tools and Technologies:

  • Definition and importance of security tools in cybersecurity
  • Overview of how these tools enhance threat detection and prevention

Antivirus and Anti-Malware:

  • Explanation of antivirus and anti-malware software
  • How they detect, quarantine, and remove malicious software


  • Role of firewalls in network security
  • Different types of firewalls (stateful, application-layer, next-generation)

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS):

  • Introduction to IDS and IPS
  • How they monitor network traffic for signs of attacks and respond

Network Monitoring and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management):

  • Purpose of SIEM tools in collecting and analyzing security data
  • Detecting and responding to security incidents

Vulnerability Scanners:

  • Definition of vulnerability scanners
  • How they identify weaknesses in systems and software

Penetration Testing Tools:

  • Explanation of penetration testing and ethical hacking
  • Tools used to simulate cyberattacks and identify vulnerabilities

Encryption Tools:

  • Overview of encryption tools (disk encryption, file encryption)
  • Ensuring confidentiality and data protection

Endpoint Security Solutions:

  • Security tools for protecting individual devices (antivirus, endpoint detection and response)
  • Management and monitoring of endpoint security

Web Application Security Tools:

  • Introduction to tools for scanning and testing web applications
  • Detecting vulnerabilities and weaknesses in web apps

Network Security Tools:

  • Tools for network traffic analysis and intrusion detection
  • Ensuring network visibility and threat identification

Honeypots and Honeynets:

  • Definition of honeypots and honeynets
  • How they attract attackers to gather information and study their techniques

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR):

  • Explanation of SOAR platforms
  • Automating incident response processes

Cloud Security Tools:

  • Security solutions for protecting cloud environments
  • Monitoring and securing data and applications in the cloud

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tools:

  • Introduction to DLP tools
  • Preventing unauthorized data leakage and protecting sensitive information

Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Security Tools:

  • Tools for managing and securing mobile devices
  • Ensuring data protection and access control on mobile platforms

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions:

  • Tools for managing user identities and access rights
  • Ensuring proper authorization and authentication

Threat Intelligence Platforms:

  • Explanation of threat intelligence and its role
  • Using threat intelligence to inform security decisions

Incident Response Tools:

  • Tools for managing and responding to security incidents
  • Coordinating efforts during a cybersecurity breach

Security Awareness Training Platforms:

  • Tools for educating users about cybersecurity best practices
  • Enhancing user awareness and reducing human-related risks

Open Source vs. Commercial Tools:

  • Comparison of open-source and commercial security tools
  • Factors to consider when choosing between them

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful implementations of security tools
  • Learning from security tool deployments in various industries

Emerging Security Technologies:

  • Exploring cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning in cybersecurity
  • Their potential to enhance threat detection and response


Day 31-35: Introduction to Security Policies and Procedures:

  • Definition and importance of security policies and procedures
  • Overview of how they establish guidelines for safeguarding information

Types of Security Policies:

  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Defining appropriate technology use
  • Password Policy: Guidelines for creating and managing passwords
  • Data Classification Policy: Categorizing data based on sensitivity

Creating Security Policies:

  • Steps to develop comprehensive security policies
  • Involving stakeholders and aligning with organizational goals

Security Policy Components:

  • Policy statement and purpose
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Scope and applicability
  • Policy enforcement and consequences

Information Security Policy:

  • Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information
  • Guidelines for handling and protecting sensitive data

Access Control Policy:

  • Defining access rights and permissions for users
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) and least privilege principle

Incident Response Policy:

  • Establishing a plan to respond to security incidents
  • Defining roles, communication procedures, and reporting

Backup and Recovery Policy:

  • Guidelines for data backup, storage, and restoration
  • Ensuring business continuity in case of data loss

Remote Work and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy:

  • Addressing security considerations for remote work and personal devices
  • Balancing productivity with security requirements

Social Media and Internet Usage Policy:

  • Guidelines for responsible use of social media and the internet
  • Mitigating risks associated with online behavior

Mobile Device Management (MDM) Policy:

  • Defining security measures for managing mobile devices
  • Ensuring data protection and device management

Physical Security Policy:

  • Guidelines for protecting physical assets (hardware, premises)
  • Access controls, surveillance, and visitor management

Compliance and Regulatory Policies:

  • Adhering to industry-specific regulations (HIPAA, GDPR, etc.)
  • Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance

Privacy Policy:

  • Ensuring privacy of user data and personal information
  • Transparency in data collection and usage practices

Security Awareness Training Policy:

  • Establishing a culture of security awareness
  • Regular training and education for employees

Acceptance and Acknowledgement:

  • Obtaining user acknowledgment and agreement to policies
  • Ensuring users understand and comply with policies

Policy Review and Updates:

  • Importance of periodic policy reviews
  • Incorporating changes based on evolving threats and technologies

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Balancing security requirements with user rights and ethical considerations
  • Respecting user privacy and data protection laws

Enforcement and Consequences:

  • Outlining consequences for policy violations
  • Ensuring consistent enforcement and accountability

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing the impact of effective and ineffective security policies
  • Learning from incidents where policy compliance played a role

Policy Communication:

  • Strategies for effectively communicating policies to employees
  • Ensuring understanding and commitment to policy compliance

Policy Management Tools:

  • Exploring tools for policy creation, distribution, and enforcement
  • Automating policy management processes

Emerging Trends in Security Policies:

  • Addressing challenges posed by new technologies and working models
  • Integrating policies for IoT, cloud, and remote work


Day 36-40: Introduction to Secure Network Design:

  • Definition and importance of secure network design
  • Overview of how network design impacts overall cybersecurity

Principles of Secure Network Design:

  • Defense-in-Depth: Layered security approach
  • Least Privilege: Limiting access rights to necessary minimum
  • Segmentation: Dividing networks to contain breaches
  • Redundancy and Resilience: Ensuring network availability

Network Architecture Considerations:

  • Choosing between LAN, WAN, and cloud-based networks
  • Scalability and future growth considerations

Network Segmentation and Zones:

  • Importance of network segmentation for security
  • Creating isolated segments for different purposes (DMZ, internal networks)

Subnetting and IP Addressing:

  • Allocating IP addresses and subnets based on security needs
  • Isolating critical assets and reducing attack surface

Perimeter Security:

  • Role of firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
  • Implementing DMZ to separate internal and external networks

Access Control and Authentication:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) principles
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security

Virtual LANs (VLANs):

  • Creating VLANs for isolating network traffic
  • Controlling communication between VLANs

Wireless Network Security:

  • Securing Wi-Fi networks with strong encryption (WPA3)
  • Configuring wireless access points securely

Router and Switch Security:

  • Changing default credentials and securing management interfaces
  • Using ACLs (Access Control Lists) to control traffic

Intrusion Detection and Prevention:

  • Deploying IDS and IPS to monitor network traffic
  • Detecting and responding to suspicious activities

VPN (Virtual Private Network):

  • Establishing secure communication over public networks
  • Implementing strong encryption and authentication

Network Monitoring and Logging:

  • Importance of monitoring network traffic and security logs
  • Detecting and investigating security incidents

Cloud Network Security:

  • Understanding shared responsibility in cloud security
  • Configuring security groups and network access controls

Data Center Security:

  • Physical security measures for data centers
  • Implementing access controls and monitoring

Network Hardware Security:

  • Securing routers, switches, and firewalls against unauthorized access
  • Regular firmware updates and patches

Redundancy and Failover:

  • Ensuring high availability with redundant network components
  • Implementing failover mechanisms for critical services

Secure Remote Access:

  • Implementing secure remote access solutions (VPN, secure remote desktop)
  • Balancing convenience and security for remote users

Security Auditing and Testing:

  • Regular security assessments and penetration testing
  • Identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses

Incident Response in Network Design:

  • Preparing network design for incident response
  • Isolating affected areas and minimizing impact

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing network design in successful security implementations
  • Learning from network design failures and their consequences

Emerging Technologies and Trends:

  • Securing IoT devices and networks
  • Secure network design considerations for 5G


Day 41-45:Introduction to Patch Management and Vulnerability Assessment:

  • Definition and importance of patch management and vulnerability assessment
  • Overview of how these processes enhance security and mitigate risks

Understanding Software Vulnerabilities:

  • Explanation of software vulnerabilities (bugs, flaws, weaknesses)
  • How vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers

Types of Software Vulnerabilities:

  • Common vulnerability types (buffer overflow, SQL injection, XSS)
  • Implications of different vulnerabilities on security

Vulnerability Assessment Process:

  • Steps involved in vulnerability assessment
  • Identifying vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and networks

Automated Vulnerability Scanning:

  • Explanation of automated vulnerability scanning tools
  • Regularly scanning systems for known vulnerabilities

Manual Vulnerability Assessment:

  • Role of manual testing in identifying complex vulnerabilities
  • In-depth examination of critical systems and applications

Prioritizing Vulnerabilities:

  • Criteria for prioritizing vulnerabilities based on risk and impact
  • Addressing critical vulnerabilities first

Patch Management Process:

  • Steps involved in patch management
  • Identifying, testing, and deploying patches

Patch Testing and Deployment:

  • Importance of testing patches before deployment
  • Strategies for managing patches across different systems

Patch Management Tools:

  • Introduction to patch management tools and solutions
  • Automating the patch deployment process

Risk of Unpatched Systems:

  • Exploring the risks of delaying or neglecting patching
  • Real-world examples of breaches due to unpatched systems

Patch Management Best Practices:

  • Establishing a patch management policy
  • Regularly updating software and systems

Vulnerability Management Lifecycle:

  • Overview of the vulnerability management lifecycle
  • From discovery and assessment to mitigation and reporting

Risk Assessment in Vulnerability Management:

  • Assessing the potential impact and likelihood of exploitation
  • Determining the level of risk associated with vulnerabilities

Reporting and Communication:

  • Communicating vulnerabilities and risks to stakeholders
  • Transparency in reporting and progress tracking

Vulnerability Remediation:

  • Strategies for addressing identified vulnerabilities
  • Applying patches, configuration changes, or other measures

Compliance and Regulations:

  • Aligning vulnerability assessment and patch management with regulations
  • Addressing compliance requirements in these processes

Emerging Threats and Zero-Day Vulnerabilities:

  • Exploring zero-day vulnerabilities and their potential impact
  • Strategies for mitigating risks from emerging threats

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful vulnerability assessment and patch management implementations
  • Learning from incidents where poor practices led to security breaches

Continuous Monitoring:

  • Importance of ongoing vulnerability assessment and patching
  • Monitoring systems for new vulnerabilities and updates

Collaboration with Vendors:

  • Building relationships with software and hardware vendors
  • Staying informed about patches and updates

Security and Performance Considerations:

  • Balancing security updates with potential performance impact
  • Testing and optimizing systems after applying patches

Automated Patch Deployment:

  • Implementing automated patch deployment tools and practices
  • Ensuring timely updates without disrupting operations


Module 4: Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity (Days 46-70)

Day 46-50: Introduction to Threat Intelligence and Analysis:

  • Definition and significance of threat intelligence and analysis
  • Overview of how these processes enhance proactive cybersecurity

Types of Threat Intelligence:

  • Strategic Intelligence: High-level insights on threats and trends
  • Tactical Intelligence: Actionable information for immediate defense
  • Operational Intelligence: Data for daily security operations

Sources of Threat Intelligence:

  • Open-source intelligence (OSINT): Publicly available data
  • Closed-source intelligence (CSINT): Proprietary data and vendor feeds
  • Human Intelligence (HUMINT): Information gathered from human sources
  • Technical Intelligence (TECHINT): Data from technical sources (logs, malware analysis)

Cyber Threat Intelligence Lifecycle:

  • Collection: Gathering data from various sources
  • Processing: Filtering and refining data for analysis
  • Analysis: Evaluating data to identify threats and patterns
  • Dissemination: Sharing actionable intelligence with relevant parties

Threat Intelligence Analysis Process:

  • Steps involved in threat intelligence analysis
  • Identifying threat indicators and behaviors

Indicators of Compromise (IoC) and Indicators of Attack (IoA):

  • Explanation of IoC and IoA
  • How they help in identifying ongoing and potential attacks

Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs):

  • Introduction to TIPs for aggregating and managing threat data
  • Tools for automating threat intelligence workflows

Malware Analysis in Threat Intelligence:

  • Role of malware analysis in understanding threats
  • Analyzing malware behavior, techniques, and origins

Vulnerability Intelligence:

  • Gathering and analyzing data about software vulnerabilities
  • Prioritizing vulnerabilities based on potential impact

Cyber Threat Hunting:

  • Proactively seeking out threats within the network
  • Using threat intelligence to guide hunting activities

Dark Web and Underground Forums:

  • Exploring the role of the dark web in threat intelligence
  • Monitoring underground forums for chatter and activity

Incident Response and Threat Intelligence:

  • Integrating threat intelligence into incident response processes
  • Enhancing incident handling with timely and relevant data

Threat Intelligence Sharing:

  • Importance of sharing threat intelligence within the cybersecurity community
  • Collaborative efforts to combat threats and vulnerabilities

Threat Intelligence Feeds:

  • Subscribing to threat intelligence feeds from reputable sources
  • Incorporating external intelligence into security operations

Analyzing Attack Vectors and Techniques:

  • Understanding different attack vectors (phishing, malware, DDoS)
  • Analyzing attack techniques to predict and prevent attacks

Attribution and APT Analysis:

  • Exploring advanced persistent threats (APTs)
  • Challenges and methodologies for attributing cyberattacks

Real-time Threat Intelligence:

  • Implementing real-time threat intelligence for rapid response
  • Monitoring and analyzing data in real-time to detect threats

Threat Intelligence Reports and Visualization:

  • Creating actionable reports from threat intelligence data
  • Using visualization tools to present insights effectively

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Ensuring ethical collection and use of threat intelligence
  • Adhering to privacy and data protection laws

Threat Intelligence for Risk Management:

  • Role of threat intelligence in risk assessment and mitigation
  • Using intelligence to prioritize security investments

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful threat intelligence implementations
  • Learning from incidents where lack of threat intelligence had consequences

Emerging Threat Trends:

  • Exploring emerging threat landscapes (IoT, ransomware, AI-driven attacks)
  • Preparing for future threats through intelligence analysis


Day 51-55: Introduction to Cloud Security:

  • Definition and importance of cloud security
  • Overview of how cloud security differs from traditional security

Cloud Computing Models:

  • Understanding different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
  • Security responsibilities shared between cloud provider and user

Cloud Deployment Models:

  • Public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud deployments
  • Security considerations for each deployment model

Cloud Security Challenges:

  • Addressing concerns about data privacy and control
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations in the cloud

Shared Responsibility Model:

  • Understanding the division of security responsibilities between cloud provider and customer
  • Clarifying the scope of security measures for each party

Identity and Access Management (IAM) in the Cloud:

  • Implementing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) for cloud resources

Data Encryption in the Cloud:

  • Importance of data encryption at rest and in transit
  • Using encryption to protect sensitive data in the cloud

Cloud Compliance and Regulations:

  • Understanding compliance requirements in the cloud (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Adhering to industry-specific regulations and standards

Cloud Security Architecture:

  • Designing secure cloud architectures
  • Incorporating security controls in cloud designs

Cloud Service Provider Security:

  • Evaluating the security practices of cloud service providers
  • Vendor risk assessment and due diligence

Virtualization Security:

  • Security considerations for virtualized environments in the cloud
  • Isolating virtual machines and protecting hypervisors

Network Security in the Cloud:

  • Securing cloud networks and virtual private clouds (VPCs)
  • Implementing firewalls, network segmentation, and monitoring

Container Security:

  • Securing containerized applications in the cloud
  • Ensuring the integrity and isolation of containers

Logging and Monitoring in the Cloud:

  • Monitoring cloud environments for security incidents
  • Collecting and analyzing logs to detect anomalies

Incident Response in the Cloud:

  • Developing cloud-specific incident response plans
  • Identifying and responding to security breaches in the cloud

Data Backup and Recovery in the Cloud:

  • Ensuring data availability and recoverability in the cloud
  • Implementing backup and disaster recovery strategies

Serverless Security:

  • Security considerations for serverless computing
  • Managing risks in serverless architecture

Cloud Security Best Practices:

  • Implementing strong password policies and multi-factor authentication
  • Regularly updating and patching cloud resources

Cloud Security Auditing and Compliance:

  • Conducting regular security assessments and audits
  • Demonstrating compliance with security standards

Cloud Security Automation:

  • Automating security processes in the cloud (auto-scaling, auto-healing)
  • Using infrastructure as code (IaC) for consistent security deployments

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful cloud security implementations
  • Learning from incidents where poor cloud security led to breaches

Emerging Cloud Security Trends:

  • Exploring new security challenges and solutions in evolving cloud landscapes
  • Security considerations for serverless, edge computing, and AI in the cloud


Day 56-60: Introduction to Mobile Security:

  • Definition and importance of mobile security
  • Overview of the unique challenges in securing mobile devices

Mobile Device Threat Landscape:

  • Understanding the types of threats targeting mobile devices
  • Exploring malware, phishing, app vulnerabilities, and more

Mobile Operating Systems:

  • Security considerations for iOS, Android, and other mobile OSs
  • Differences in security architecture and app ecosystems

Mobile Device Management (MDM):

  • Role of MDM in managing and securing mobile devices
  • Remote device management, policy enforcement, and security controls

Mobile App Security:

  • Understanding the app security lifecycle
  • App vetting, code review, and secure development practices

App Permissions and Privacy:

  • Exploring app permissions and their implications
  • Ensuring user privacy and data protection

App Stores and Sideloading:

  • Benefits and risks of official app stores vs. sideloading
  • The importance of downloading apps from trusted sources

Mobile Device Encryption:

  • Importance of full-device encryption
  • Protecting data at rest and in transit on mobile devices

Mobile Device Authentication:

  • Biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition)
  • PINs, passwords, and two-factor authentication (2FA)

Mobile Device Theft and Loss:

  • Strategies for preventing mobile device theft
  • Enabling remote tracking, locking, and wiping

Mobile Browser Security:

  • Securing web browsing on mobile devices
  • Identifying phishing sites and malicious content

Secure Wi-Fi and Network Connections:

  • Avoiding insecure public Wi-Fi networks
  • Using VPNs for secure internet connections

Bluetooth and NFC Security:

  • Risks and precautions when using Bluetooth and NFC
  • Ensuring devices are not vulnerable to attacks

Jailbreaking and Rooting:

  • Understanding jailbreaking (iOS) and rooting (Android)
  • Implications for security and potential risks

Secure Mobile Communication:

  • Encrypted messaging apps and voice calls
  • Protecting sensitive communication from interception

Mobile Payment Security:

  • Ensuring secure mobile payments and transactions
  • Protecting payment credentials and sensitive information

Mobile Security Best Practices:

  • Regularly updating mobile OS and apps
  • Avoiding suspicious apps and links

Mobile Antivirus and Security Apps:

  • Exploring mobile security apps and their features
  • Enhancing device protection with antivirus tools

Mobile Privacy Settings:

  • Managing privacy settings on mobile devices
  • Limiting data sharing and app access

Mobile Security for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD):

  • Security considerations for personal devices used in work environments
  • Implementing policies and controls for BYOD scenarios

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful mobile security implementations
  • Learning from incidents where mobile security was compromised

Emerging Mobile Security Trends:

  • Exploring new threats and technologies in mobile security
  • Addressing challenges in IoT, 5G, and mobile app ecosystems


Day 61-65: Introduction to Wireless Security:

  • Definition and importance of wireless security
  • Overview of the vulnerabilities and risks in wireless networks

Wireless Network Types:

  • Exploring different wireless network types (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC)
  • Security considerations for each type of wireless technology

Wireless Threat Landscape:

  • Understanding the types of threats targeting wireless networks
  • Eavesdropping, unauthorized access, man-in-the-middle attacks, etc.

Wireless Network Authentication:

  • Different methods of wireless network authentication (WPA2, WPA3, EAP)
  • Ensuring only authorized devices can connect

Wireless Encryption:

  • Importance of encrypting wireless data transmission
  • Using protocols like WPA3 for strong encryption

SSID Broadcasting and Hidden SSIDs:

  • Implications of broadcasting SSIDs vs. hiding them
  • Balancing convenience and security considerations

Rogue Access Points:

  • Identifying and mitigating rogue access points
  • Preventing unauthorized devices from creating fake hotspots

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS):

  • Understanding WPS vulnerabilities and risks
  • Disabling WPS to enhance security

Guest Wi-Fi Networks:

  • Setting up secure guest Wi-Fi networks
  • Isolating guest traffic from internal network

MAC Address Filtering:

  • Using MAC address filtering to control device access
  • Limitations and potential risks of MAC filtering

Wireless Network Segmentation:

  • Isolating different parts of the network with VLANs
  • Reducing attack surface and containing breaches

Captive Portals and Guest Authentication:

  • Implementing captive portals for guest authentication
  • Balancing ease of use with security requirements

Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (WIDS/WIPS):

  • Introduction to WIDS and WIPS for monitoring and securing wireless networks
  • Detecting unauthorized devices and malicious activity

Wireless Security Best Practices:

  • Regularly updating wireless router firmware
  • Strong password practices and avoiding default credentials

WPA3 and Enhanced Security:

  • Features and benefits of WPA3 over previous standards
  • Implementing WPA3 for improved wireless security

Location-based Services and Privacy:

  • Privacy concerns related to location tracking and services
  • Balancing convenience with user privacy

Bluetooth Security:

  • Securing Bluetooth connections and devices
  • Pairing protocols and encryption in Bluetooth

NFC (Near Field Communication) Security:

  • Risks and security considerations with NFC technology
  • Protecting sensitive data during NFC transactions

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful wireless security implementations
  • Learning from incidents where wireless security was compromised

Emerging Wireless Security Trends:

  • Exploring security challenges and solutions in evolving wireless landscapes
  • Security considerations for 5G networks and IoT devices


Day 66-70: Introduction to Cryptography:

  • Definition and importance of cryptography in cybersecurity
  • Overview of how cryptography ensures confidentiality and data integrity

Types of Cryptography:

  • Symmetric Encryption: Using the same key for encryption and decryption
  • Asymmetric Encryption: Using a pair of keys (public and private) for encryption and decryption
  • Hashing: Generating fixed-size hash values from input data
  • Digital Signatures: Verifying the authenticity and integrity of digital messages

Cryptography Components:

  • Plaintext and ciphertext: Original and encrypted data
  • Encryption algorithms and ciphers: Methods for transforming data
  • Keys: Secret values used for encryption and decryption

Key Management:

  • Importance of secure key management
  • Methods for generating, storing, and distributing encryption keys

Encryption Algorithms:

  • Overview of popular encryption algorithms (AES, RSA, DES)
  • Strengths and weaknesses of different algorithms

Block Ciphers and Stream Ciphers:

  • Explanation of block ciphers and stream ciphers
  • Differences in how they encrypt data

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):

  • Role of PKI in managing digital certificates
  • Establishing trust and enabling secure communication

Digital Certificates and SSL/TLS:

  • Using digital certificates to verify identity
  • Implementing SSL/TLS for secure communication on the web

Hash Functions:

  • Exploring cryptographic hash functions
  • Applications in data integrity verification

Digital Signatures and Authentication:

  • How digital signatures prove the authenticity of digital documents
  • Secure authentication using digital signatures

Cryptographic Protocols:

  • Exploring secure communication protocols (SSH, IPsec)
  • Ensuring confidentiality and integrity in data transmission

Key Exchange Protocols:

  • Secure methods for exchanging encryption keys
  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange and its variants

Quantum Cryptography:

  • Introduction to quantum cryptography
  • Addressing the impact of quantum computing on classical encryption

Homomorphic Encryption:

  • Explanation of homomorphic encryption
  • Performing computations on encrypted data without decryption

Cryptography in Blockchain:

  • Role of cryptography in securing blockchain networks
  • Digital signatures, hash functions, and consensus mechanisms

Cryptography in IoT:

  • Security challenges and cryptography solutions for IoT devices
  • Ensuring data privacy and integrity in IoT environments

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful cryptography implementations
  • Learning from incidents where cryptography failures occurred

Emerging Trends in Cryptography:

  • Exploring advancements in cryptographic research
  • Homomorphic encryption, post-quantum cryptography, etc.

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Ensuring responsible and ethical use of cryptography
  • Complying with encryption regulations and laws

Cryptography Best Practices:

  • Generating strong encryption keys
  • Regularly updating encryption methods and algorithms

Cryptography and Privacy:

  • Balancing encryption with privacy concerns
  • Encryption as a tool for protecting user data

Cryptography in Cloud and Mobile Security:

  • Ensuring data security in cloud and mobile environments
  • Encryption for data at rest and in transit


Module 5: Specialized Areas (Days 71-100)

Day 71-75: Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

  • Overview of penetration testing methodologies
  • Hands-on practice with common penetration testing tools

Day 76-80: Introduction to Network Forensics:

  • Definition and importance of network forensics
  • Overview of how network forensics aids in investigating cyber incidents

Network Forensics Process:

  • Steps involved in network forensics investigations
  • Collection, preservation, analysis, and reporting of digital evidence

Capturing Network Traffic:

  • Methods for capturing network traffic (packet sniffing, port mirroring)
  • Tools and techniques for capturing packets

Packet Analysis:

  • Analyzing captured packets for evidence of cyber incidents
  • Identifying patterns, anomalies, and malicious activities

Network Traffic Analysis:

  • Identifying traffic patterns and trends
  • Analyzing traffic volume, sources, and destinations

Network Protocol Analysis:

  • Understanding network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP, etc.)
  • Analyzing protocol behavior for signs of attacks

Timestamp Analysis:

  • Importance of timestamps in correlating network events
  • Analyzing timestamp data for chronological reconstruction

Flow Analysis:

  • Understanding flow data and NetFlow records
  • Analyzing flow records for insights into network traffic

Detecting Intrusions and Attacks:

  • Identifying signs of intrusion and unauthorized access
  • Analyzing logs and packets to determine attack vectors

Malware Analysis in Network Forensics:

  • Identifying malware-related network activities
  • Extracting and analyzing malicious files from network traffic

Incident Response in Network Forensics:

  • Incorporating network forensics in incident response processes
  • Analyzing network data to determine the scope of a breach

Log Analysis and Correlation:

  • Analyzing system and network logs for evidence
  • Correlating log data to reconstruct the sequence of events

Network Forensics Tools:

  • Overview of network forensics tools (Wireshark, Bro, Snort)
  • Using tools to capture, analyze, and visualize network traffic

Chain of Custody:

  • Maintaining the integrity and chain of custody of digital evidence
  • Documenting the handling and transfer of evidence

Wireless Network Forensics:

  • Unique challenges in wireless network forensics
  • Analyzing wireless traffic and identifying rogue devices

Cloud Network Forensics:

  • Investigating incidents in cloud environments
  • Analyzing cloud logs, network traffic, and virtualization data

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Adhering to legal and ethical standards in network forensics
  • Ensuring evidence admissibility in court

Network Forensics Challenges:

  • Challenges in capturing and analyzing encrypted traffic
  • Overcoming limitations of network forensics in complex environments

Case Study Analysis:

  • Analyzing real-world network forensic investigations
  • Learning from successful and unsuccessful cases

Emerging Trends in Network Forensics:

  • Exploring advancements in network forensics techniques
  • Addressing challenges in IoT, 5G, and encrypted traffic

Collaboration and Reporting:

  • Communicating findings and recommendations to stakeholders
  • Collaborating with other experts (legal, law enforcement) for investigations

Network Forensics for Incident Prevention:

  • Using network forensics data to proactively detect and prevent incidents
  • Identifying vulnerabilities and weak points in the network

Network Forensics and Insider Threats:

  • Identifying signs of insider threats in network data
  • Analyzing user behavior for malicious activities


Day 81-85: Introduction to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security:

  • Definition and importance of ICS security
  • Overview of ICS environments and their criticality

Understanding Industrial Control Systems:

  • Exploring the components of ICS (SCADA, PLCs, HMIs)
  • Differentiating between IT and OT (Operational Technology)

Challenges in ICS Security:

  • Unique security challenges in ICS environments
  • Balancing safety and security considerations

ICS Threat Landscape:

  • Identifying threats targeting ICS environments
  • Physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure

Securing SCADA Systems:

  • Exploring SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems
  • Ensuring security in control and monitoring of industrial processes

PLC Security:

  • Protecting Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) from attacks
  • Implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Security:

  • Securing interfaces used to control industrial processes
  • Ensuring secure access and preventing tampering

Network Segmentation in ICS:

  • Importance of segmenting ICS networks
  • Isolating critical systems from external networks

Physical Security for ICS:

  • Incorporating physical security measures (access controls, CCTV)
  • Protecting physical assets in ICS environments

Risk Assessment in ICS:

  • Assessing risks and vulnerabilities specific to ICS environments
  • Prioritizing security measures based on potential impact

Industrial Protocols and Security:

  • Understanding industrial communication protocols (MODBUS, DNP3)
  • Implementing security for industrial communication channels

Incident Response in ICS:

  • Developing incident response plans for ICS environments
  • Addressing incidents to minimize operational impact

Emergency Shutdown Procedures:

  • Incorporating security considerations in emergency shutdown procedures
  • Ensuring safe and secure shutdown of industrial processes

Supply Chain Security:

  • Evaluating security risks in ICS supply chains
  • Ensuring secure sourcing and vendor relationships

Secure Remote Access in ICS:

  • Implementing secure remote access for ICS maintenance
  • Balancing convenience with security in remote connections

Patch Management in ICS:

  • Challenges and best practices for patching ICS systems
  • Ensuring operational continuity during patching

ICS Compliance and Regulations:

  • Adhering to industry-specific regulations (NIST, IEC 62443)
  • Ensuring compliance with safety and security standards

Anomaly Detection and Intrusion Prevention:

  • Using anomaly detection to identify deviations from normal behavior
  • Preventing unauthorized access and malicious activities

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful ICS security implementations
  • Learning from incidents where ICS security was compromised

Emerging Trends in ICS Security:

  • Exploring advancements in ICS security technologies
  • Addressing challenges in IoT integration and legacy systems

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

  • Ensuring responsible and ethical ICS security practices
  • Compliance with laws and regulations in ICS environments

Securing Critical Infrastructure:

  • Role of ICS security in protecting critical infrastructure (energy, water, transportation)
  • Implications of ICS security breaches on public safety


Day 86-90: Introduction to Application Security:

  • Definition and importance of application security
  • Overview of how application security protects against vulnerabilities

Common Application Security Vulnerabilities:

  • Exploring common vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
  • Understanding how these vulnerabilities can be exploited

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC):

  • Incorporating security throughout the software development process
  • Integrating security in design, development, testing, and deployment

Secure Coding Practices:

  • Teaching developers best practices for writing secure code
  • Avoiding risky coding patterns and practices

Input Validation and Output Encoding:

  • Importance of validating user input to prevent injection attacks
  • Encoding output to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

Authentication and Authorization:

  • Implementing strong authentication methods
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) and least privilege principle

Session Management:

  • Secure session handling and preventing session hijacking
  • Implementing proper session timeouts and mechanisms

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention:

  • Techniques to prevent cross-site scripting attacks
  • Sanitizing and escaping user-generated content

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention:

  • Exploring CSRF attacks and prevention measures
  • Implementing anti-CSRF tokens and techniques

SQL Injection Prevention:

  • Understanding SQL injection attacks and their impact
  • Parameterized queries and input validation to prevent SQL injection

Security Headers and Content Security Policy (CSP):

  • Exploring HTTP security headers for enhanced security
  • Implementing CSP to mitigate risks of XSS attacks

Secure File Uploads:

  • Preventing malicious file uploads and execution
  • Validating file types and implementing access controls

Code Review and Static Analysis:

  • Importance of code reviews and static code analysis
  • Identifying vulnerabilities before code reaches production

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):

  • Conducting dynamic testing to identify vulnerabilities
  • Simulating real-world attacks on applications

Secure APIs and Web Services:

  • Ensuring security in API design and usage
  • Implementing authentication, authorization, and input validation

Secure Mobile App Development:

  • Applying security principles to mobile app development
  • Securing APIs, data storage, and communication

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs):

  • Exploring the role of WAFs in application security
  • Configuring WAF rules to protect against attacks

Security Patch Management:

  • Regularly updating software and libraries to fix vulnerabilities
  • Importance of staying current with security patches

Threat Modeling:

  • Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities in application design
  • Mitigating risks through proactive threat modeling

Application Security Testing Tools:

  • Overview of application security testing tools (SAST, DAST, SCA)
  • Using tools to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities

Real-world Case Studies:

  • Analyzing successful application security implementations
  • Learning from incidents where application security was compromised

Emerging Trends in Application Security:

  • Exploring advancements in application security practices
  • Addressing challenges in microservices, serverless, and DevSecOps

Secure Coding Guidelines:

  • Providing developers with a set of secure coding guidelines
  • Encouraging consistent security practices across the organization


Day 91-100: Phishing Awareness:

  • Definition and types of phishing attacks
  • Recognizing phishing emails and messages
  • Social engineering techniques used in phishing
  • Best practices for avoiding phishing scams

Email Security:

  • Securing email accounts and communications
  • Implementing strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Encrypting email content for privacy
  • Email filtering and anti-spam measures

Social Media Security:

  • Privacy settings on social media platforms
  • Avoiding oversharing personal information
  • Recognizing and reporting fake accounts and scams
  • Implications of social media in personal and professional contexts

Wi-Fi Security:

  • Risks of insecure Wi-Fi networks
  • Secure Wi-Fi configuration (WPA3, strong passwords)
  • Avoiding public Wi-Fi risks and using VPNs
  • Wireless network monitoring and intrusion detection

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing:

  • Introduction to ethical hacking and its importance
  • Overview of penetration testing methodologies
  • Responsible disclosure and legal considerations

Protecting Personal Data:

  • Importance of data protection and privacy
  • Safeguarding personal information online
  • Recognizing data breaches and identity theft
  • Complying with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)

Online Privacy and Tracking:

  • Online tracking methods and implications
  • Browsing privacy tools (browser extensions, private browsing)
  • Opting out of data collection and targeted ads

Mobile Device Security:

  • Securing smartphones and tablets
  • App permissions and privacy considerations
  • Mobile malware risks and prevention

IoT Security:

  • Understanding security risks in Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Securing smart home devices and wearables
  • Importance of regular firmware updates

Password Security:

  • Creating strong and unique passwords
  • Password managers and their benefits
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) for enhanced security

Cybersecurity Hygiene:

  • Regular software updates and patch management
  • Backing up data to prevent data loss
  • Avoiding suspicious links and downloads
  • Safe online shopping and financial transactions

Securing Online Accounts:

  • Importance of unique passwords for each account
  • Password recovery and account recovery options
  • Avoiding account takeover and unauthorized access

Online Scams and Fraud Prevention:

  • Recognizing common online scams and frauds
  • Reporting and avoiding phishing, investment, and lottery scams
  • Protecting against charity scams and social engineering



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